Di Eybike Mame (The Eternal Mother): Women in Yiddish Theater and Popular Song 1905-1929, 2004 (SM 1625-2)
“this CD cannot be highly valued enough… “
(Jüdische Allgemeine Wochenzeitung)
“An extremely valuable documentation… A very informative and multifaceted booklet complements the production”
(Neue Zeitschrift für Musik)
“a richly rewarding aural discovery tour that takes us from Lemberg (today, Lviv in Ukraine) via London to New York and offers the wide spectrum of musical styles then in vogue in the world of Yiddish entertainment on both sides of the Atlantic: be it folksong, operetta, Estrada, vaudeville, or music hall tunes. … The carefully researched, bi-lingual liner notes (in English and German) help to contextualize these recordings within the history of Yiddish theatre and provide brief bios of the singers and summaries of the lyrics. … They also give us a small glimpse into a vibrant early recording scene. … Thanks to modern technology, the quality of even the oldest recordings is good enough that the listener is not distracted by static or scratches. … I, for one, simply can’t wait for a second compilation”
(Dr. Nina Warnke, Yiddish Theatre Forum, Vol. 03.006, May 3, 2004)